- Bpk. Prof. Does Sampoerno, dosen Akreditasi dan mutu RS.. I still remember when U said ”If U born as a leader.. U must be act as a leader..” it’s so inspirational... and building a character... An eagle must be born from an eagle...
- Bapak dr. Prabowo Soemarto S.p A,(Former Dirut RS Pertamina Jaya) dosen manajemen logistik dan farmasi RS yang memberikan ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat mengenai filosofi dari pelayanan Kesehatan. I’m always remembering your logistic subject... is to oriented not only Good Coorporate Governance but also God Coorporate Governance... It’s really so deep philosophy on health services... not only focusing on bussiness but also giving to ”them” people who doesn’t have... it’s fun were studying with you, sir...
- Bapak Iwan wardian SE, MM (Former Wakil Direktur Keuangan RS Pertamina Pusat), dosen manajemen keuangan RS yang memberikan ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat mengenai aspek penilaian investasi dari sisi-sisi rasio keuangan... Talking about economy is always become the sexiest issue 4 me... Especially when talk about category of feasibility of invesment... i’m always remember the fifth items.. IRR ( Internal Rate of Return), ROI (Returns of Invesment), NPV (Net Percent Value), Pay Back Period, and also Profitability Index... Management was built in Mind, Body, and Soul... Hoppefully I’ll get my Dreams on Making my owns Coorporate.. Ameen.. it’s fun were studying with you`, sir...
My sweetheart.. Lia..was giving the spirit and prayer until this script was done. Former delta intel and demo requesting permission to tag a long..
And also my moms...were always keeping the value of my life... you are my spirit, motivations and inspirations.. I wouldn’t forget your....kindness... and struggle... to raising me up till now... hoppefully i'll become... the best and the brightest man... on earth...ameen... a tiger must be born from the tiger... ”If U born as a leader.. U must be act as a leader.."'
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